Monday, June 22, 2009

Exp 3 Link

Final Exp 3 Images

Madonna's space emphasises her influence over people through the movement of her body, depicted in the dance floor. Her power is also emphasised in her femininity, through which this space is based around.

View of entire space, including Obama's, the meeting space, and Madonna's.

Obama's space influences his power as his private office is lifted above the workers below. He looks down upon the workers, with further emphasis on mechanisation through the pillars that move up and down. This signifies the machine life influence Obama has over America.

36 Textures + sketchup models

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Exp 3: Mashup

Power is the ability to get what you want. In America, we live in a society where Fear and power do not peacefully coexist. It is surrounded by various types of media, especially the entertainment industry, which has the power to influence popular culture through the vast number of images depicted in movies, television, and even music. The President proves that he understands the immense power of our example, and the limits of what we can and cannot do on our own.

The rise of Madonna, using her powerful status as a celebrity to build presence and visibility, uses most notably her body to influence and reflect American popular culture. Yet the fact that President Obama, unlike his critics on the right, understands the difference between power and pomposity bodes well for the United States. In other words, Mrs. Prada, as she is known to her Italian staff members, is a well-known tale. Almost everything she did impacted and influenced me in one way or another.

The President's decisions proof that he is ready and willing to use American force. This new image of a dominant woman in control, as performed by Madonna, corresponded with the trend of an increase of women in power in America. But one thing Prada the woman is unafraid of is a good fight. And more often than not, she wins.


Masuda, Anna, “Madonna’s Impact on Society”,, (accessed 11th May, 2009).

Luscombe, Belinda, “The Power List: Women in Fashion – Miuccia Prada”,, (accessed 11th May, 2009).

Kleinfeld, Rachel, “American Power, Obama Style”,, (accessed 11th May, 2009).

Exp 3: Draft UT04